Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip

( 21033500 )

Ballpoint pen with click action mechanism and soft touch grip.

Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Curvy ballpoint pen with frosted barrel and grip (21033500)
Informacje ogólne
Numer modelu 210335
Marki Unbranded
Opis produktu (długi)

Ballpoint pen with click action mechanism and soft touch grip.

Materiał Plastik
Ilość aktualnie dostępna w magazynie 0
Waga 12 g
Wysokość 14 cm
Średnica 1,3
Ilość w kartonie 1000
Waga brutto 13
Masa netto 12,35
Kategoria kod grupy mc5
Opis koloru Biały
Kod HS 9608109200000000000000